Hello All!

We want to thank you all for your faithful prayers for us and the ministry here and share some recent requests with each of you. Above all, please pray for lost souls, praise God as we are consistently seing people receive Christ and one new soul was baptized this month of March! An exciting praise report is that students who are studying in the part-time Bible Institute have finished an evangelism course and are very active also in sharing the Gospel to others, please pray for great growth in personal evangelism among the people here!

We now have 2 Sunday School classes going for the children and the smaller kids are running about 25 in number while the older kids are running about 40. Please pray that we will see even more children coming to Christ as well as their families. The Sunday School class I've been teaching to the Adult/Teen group has been doing well also with 30 in regular attendance. Sunday morning worship service attendance remains steady at 100. The building actaully doesn't yet have a front gate, door, windows, or flooring, but these won't be too far off in the future.

As I mentioned in our last nwesletter, please continue praying for work for the people here, it's been very difficult for some of the families in the Church recently. Please pray also for the Nuqui family, whom I've mentioned before, and their family problems, the husband of the family is in strong oppostion to the Gospel; please pray for him to receive Jesus as Savior. The husband of this family is currently working abroad in the middle east and will not send financial support to the family unless they decide to quit attending Church. It's been over 4 months now since he has helped his family out financially. The husband recently told the wife (Sis Kathi Nuqui, a very faithful Church member) that if she doesn't leave the Church she needs to get out of the house. Sis Kathi told me that she will soon tell her husband that she will not be leaving the Church.

Please pray also for strong health for us all, the summer season has come quickly and the heat really works a toll on your physical strength. We thank you for your prayers for Kristine's eyes, they have been bothering her still, but the eye drops she has been using have been effective. We hope you'll enjoy some recent pictures we've attached to this email, especially Josh eating my birthday cake they recently surprised me with! He's going on 7 months now and already finding his way into trouble, uh oh, please pray for mom and dad!

Thanks for the many prayers, keep them lifted up on high, the Lord Jesus IS busy answering!